Tunnel of Mularroya – "Transfer Tug-Grío-Mularroya with a Tunnel boring machine"


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September. 2020


Actyon Tunnel we started new project of installation and excavation with tbm in Spain. Specifically in the province of Zaragoza, between the terms of Morata de Jalón and Santa Cruz de Grío. ( coordinates 41.419295,-1.453520.)


The tunnel is a fundamental part of the project Mularroya, the dam is not built on the bed of the river Jalón, but in the course of the río Grío, which is insufficient to fill the reservoir.

Once I drilled the first 60 metres in a conventional manner, the tunnel boring machine burn through over the next 2 years until the end of the 12.6 kilometres of tunnel ‘necessary’ to carry the water of the basin of the Tug to the Grío.

The underground tunnel will have an internal diameter of 2.9 meters and exterior 3.35 meters, and traverse the city of Calatayud, Paracuellos de la Ribera, El Frasno, and Morata de Jalón, with a capacity to carry 8 cubic metres of water per second.




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